Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bang Bang Bang.

The whole neighborhood grows silent
The childeren stop laughing
the dogs stop barking
and the smell of barbeque draws out of the air

pants low
hats lower
skies grey
hopes greyer

wondering who's going to be widowed next?

Walking alone
scared but brave enough
artistic and invinceable
creative and destructable

stop questioning
assuming you know the end outcome

hoping to hear the right answer
which answer is right?
who knows anything about anyone here
who knows were here?

screaming, smiling, laughing, living.
loathing the upper hand that lay us down
to sleep at night
to not peep at night

smokey clubs and smokier lungs
tattered shoes from dancing
so much

cluttered minds, and thumping hearts
standing outside, jump starting cars
ghettos, getting more ghetto as time turns

fading reality, which way do I turn?

Detroit, Detroit.
You've never fallen off my map.
Detroit, land of opportunity?
Well how about that...

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