Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Mind Power

It has been a while since I have posted an electronic blog, but today I'm feeling as if it is necessary. Today I woke up feeling angsty and a bit uneasy from a dream I had, and the weather patterns occuring on the east coast itself. Hurricane Sandy has hit, and is turning lives upside down. Here in Detroit, we're dealing with high winds, rain, and a chilly chilly atmosphere. Atop of that we are still dealing with foreclosure, eviction, crime, violence, poverty, deportation of our citizens, hate, rape, and death. Standing on my solidarity soap box, I continue to turn the cheek, puff my chest out and bare down for the next round of community assistance I can help with. Today when I was expecting to take it easy, and manage some things around my house, I got a call for help. A local woman was being evicted from her home, and was in need of hot food, space heaters, blankets and community love. Some local super heros, and movers came to assist her in getting her things out of her said foreclosed home, and I handled the hot food side of things. A friend and fellow community activist informed me of the assistance needed and was to come pick up the hot food and care package I had prepared. Care package: New space heater Two blankets Sweaters Toilet paper Napkins Cutlery Hot Local Vegetarian home cooked food Love When they arrived I could not help but invite them inside to eat, and prepare them some hot tea. The seven of them took a seat at my dining room table and ate like they had not in days. I put on a tea kettle and we began to chit chat; stories were shared, smiles were had, and when they finished I was asked to enter a gratitude circle. Me, being in a funky mood until I put all the love I had into the pan of food, agreed and stepped bravely into the circle - accepting what they had to give. Each of these super heros went around and told me how I inspired them, and how grateful they were for me. This made me, fill with joy and only want to explode with love beams all over thier faces. The underground network within this city is similiar to that of the underground railroad. If you need assistance, and solidarity - a network of folks are ready for your call; and waiting to help. Where else can you find that? This city amazes me everyday. And I am ever so thankful to be a part of it. I suppose I'm losing my train of thought, here wearing a grin so wide my face feels like it could split. I guess all this post was meant to express was, Solidarity, and Fellowship from fellow human beings is the way we will get through this second depression, this sorry scraping episode the city is still going through, and everyday life. Power to the people. Power to Detroit(ers). <3