Thursday, March 24, 2011

Detroit - A soulful city with a heart of gold & a mind of a felon.

Why we're left again, questioning taxes and city residents upheaving from the mouth of Detroit; I know not and I know all at the same time.

Trusting intuition, I go with it, pack my things and move further into the heart of the city.
An even more cultural, and ethnic area, that is also "Bankrupt" and going downhill.

It is the mere act of this that will help save the city.
Contributing to Urban Gardening, Community Service, and helping my fellow man, I too have pride and a pedestal for my city that I call home. Detroit.

I care not what news broadcasters, magazine articles & nay sayers have to say about my town.

Yes the population is down to it's lowest since the 1920's, but to me this says, ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.

Must we always navigate towards the NEGATIVE?

It is the youth of today that will save this city; that will bring the light and vibrations to a higher much more positive realm. Together we must stand hand in hand and make a difference; even if it is painting a little graffiti art on a wall Instilling in passer byers TO NOT LITTER if they love their city. Even if it is pitching it to clean up an old field and plant some flowers for a much prettier and greener area in the community. Even if it is writing ONE letter to the city letting them know there is an abandon home that childeren can be hurt inside of, in your neighborhood.

Suburbanites: Do not fear the city, or the "hooligans" in it. Don't let them overturn our MOTOR CITY into a MOTOR MOUTH of Bullshit.
It's time to take our city back, and make peace with what was, and what is to be.

Viva Detroit Revolution.